Available degrees

Graduate school Master's degrees Doctoral degrees
Master's degree program or two-year master's degree phase of doctoral degree program Three-year doctoral program or Graduate School of Medical Sciences doctoral program
Graduate School of Humanities Master of Arts Doctor of Philosophy
Graduate School of Law Master of Laws Doctor of Laws
Graduate School of Economics Master of Economics Doctor of Economics
Graduate School of Commerce Master of Commercial Science,
Master of Management
Doctor of Commercial Science
Graduate School of Science Master of Science Doctor of Science
Graduate School of Engineering Master of Engineering,
Master of Philosophy(except Electronics Engineering and Computer Science program)
Doctor of Engineering,
Doctor of Philosophy
Graduate School of Medical Sciences Master of Sciences in Nursing Ph.D.(Medicine)
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Master of Pharmaceutical Health Sciences Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Graduate School of Sports and Health Science Master of Sports and Health Science Doctor of Sports and Health Science

Note: The Graduate School of Humanities' Education and Clinical Psychology program offers the following degrees:

  • Master's degrees: Master of Education, Master of Clinical Psychology
  • Doctoral degrees: Doctor of Education, Doctor of Clinical Psychology

Note: Master of Philosophy degrees are only granted by the Graduate School of Humanities, Graduate School of Economics, and Graduate School of Commerce to students of the Interdisciplinary Research Program, which opened during the 2015 academic year.

Number of graduates

Graduate School of Humanities 1,219
Graduate School of Law 514
Graduate School of Economics 820
Graduate School of Commerce 812
Graduate School of Science 1,516
Graduate School of Engineering 2,241
Graduate School of Medical Sciences 978
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1073
Graduate School of Sports and Health Science 498
Total 9,671

Note: As of March 31, 2024 (including students who completed a program without receiving a degree)

Number of doctoral degrees conferred

Doctoral degrees awarded upon completion of academic program 1,283
Doctoral degrees awarded in recognition of dissertation 759
Total 2,042

Note: As of March 31, 2024